Postdoctoral Researcher
Mapping chaînes opératoires of quarrying, transporting and constructing, linked with the demographic responses to these in the Argive Plain over time, is part of the overall synthesis of this project. Because of Hanna’s expertise in spatial analysis and the social role of space in the landscape she was employed in SETinSTONE to contribute to the study of the physical and social links between construction sites and quarries, via roadways, and people’s mobility. Employing GIS and CAD, she was planning to carry out spatial analyses on the data of all subprojects. Together, we also envisioned using social networks software to visualize connections between locations of varying importance over time, and to provide insights in the social nodes and networks reflecting the changing aspects of land use in the specific contexts of monumental building.
Hanna joined the March-April 2017 field campaign in the Argolid and together we visited many interesting places and remains. We laid out a methodology for tracking already published points and places in the region which became refined in fieldwork periods from autumn 2017 until autumn 2019. Hanna was hugely fond of the region and experienced it during perhaps the most magic time of the year when the entire landscape burst into bloom. While walking, she recognized wild asparagus for our dinner and we collected tea and herbs for our home-cooked meals while we were there. She was a passionate scholar, a dear friend and a wonderful cook. We miss her a lot.
Hanna in action
Hanna in the Great Megaron in Tiryns Upper Citadel
In memoriam: Dr Johanna Stöger (1957-2018)
Also see: Academia
Brysbaert A., Klinkenberg V., Boswinkel Y., Turner D., Timonen R., Stöger H. & Sioumpara E. (2018), SETinSTONE: A retrospective impact assessment of human and environmental resource usage in Late Bronze Age Mycenaean Monumental Architecture, Greece, Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 58: 21-29.
Stöger H. and Brandimarte E. (2018), Due antichi quartieri romani sotto la lente di ingran-dimento. In: De Ruyt C., Morard Th. and van Haeperen F. (Eds.) Ostia Antica. Nouvelles études et recherches sur les quartiers occidentaux de la cite. Actes du colloque international Rome-Ostia Antica 22-24 septembre 2014. Brussels & Rome: Institute Historique Belge de Rome. 11-22.
Stöger J. (2017), The S. Anna Mapping Project by the Leiden ArcLand Field School. In: Sojc N. (Ed.) Akragas, Current Issues in the Archaeology of a Sicilian Polis, Archaeological Studies Leiden University 38. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
Stöger H. (2016), The ancient city and Huizinga’s Homo Ludens. In: Griffiths S. and von Luenen A. (Eds.) Spatial Cultures – Towards a New Social Morphology of Cities Past and Present. Abington and New York: Routledge. 15-31.
Stöger J.J. (2015), Roman neighbourhoods by the numbers: A space syntax view on ancient city quarters and their social life, The Journal of Space Syntax 6(1): 61-80.
Stöger H. & Kamermans H. (2015), Making ancient Mediterranean landscapes accessible. In: Posluschny A.G. (Ed.) Contributions from the ArcLand Conference on Remote Sensing for Archaeology. Bonn: Habelt-Verlag. 114-116.
Stöger H. and Brandimarte E. (2015), Due antichi quartieri romani sotto la lente di ingrandimento: un’analisi space syntax dei quartieri delle citta antiche e della loro vita sociale, Arqueologia de la Arquitectura 12: e034.
Sonnemann T.F., Stöger H. and Ngan-Tillard D. (2015), Using Technical Expertise at Ostia Antica (Leiden University & TU Delft), ISAP News, Issue 44, Oct. 2015, 10-12.
Stöger J.J. & Di Cola V. (2014), Quarteri urbani ostiensi, Forma Urbis 9: 30-34.
Stöger J.J. (2014), The spatial signature of an Insula neighbourhood of Roman Ostia. In: Paliou Elefteria, Lieberwirth Undine, Polla Silvia (Eds.) Spatial analysis and social spaces: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Interpretation of Prehistoric and Historic Built Environments. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter. 297-316.
Stöger H. (2014), What to do with a physical geographer in an ancient Roman city? In: Bakels C.C., Fennema K., Porck J.F. and Wansleeben M. (Eds.) We discovered that… Times are a-changin and much stays the same, Contributions on the occasion of the retirement of Hans Kamermans. Deventer: Graven. 150-154.
Stöger J.J. (2012), Ostia’s Insula IV ii: the nexus between built form and social organisation, Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 46: 42-49.
Stöger J.J. (7 December 2011), Rethinking Ostia: A Spatial Enquiry into the Urban Society of Rome’s Imperial Port-Town (PhD thesis). Leiden: Leiden University Press. Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Bintliff J.L., Kamermans H., van der Meer L.B.
Stöger J.J. (2011), Roman Ostia: a scaled space syntax approach to past built and non-built environments. In: Savvopoulos K. (Ed.) Second Hellenistic Studies Workshop, 4-11 July 2010, Proceedings, Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Alexandria: Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
Stöger J.J. (2011), The Spatial Organisation of the Movement Economy: The Analysis of Ostia’s Scholae. In: Laurence R., Newsome D.J. (Eds.) Rome, Ostia, Pompeii: Movement and Space. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 215-242.
Stöger J.J. (2011), [Translation from Dutch into German] Sagalassos: Eine Roemische Stadt in der Suedwesttuerkei, Patrick De Rynck (ed.). Koeln: Wienand Verlag.
Stöger J.J. (2010), Space Syntax and Archaeology, The European Archaeologist (34): 55-58.
Stöger J.J. (2010), [Translation from German] The older Christian Church of Malta (by Albert Mayr). In: Grima J.F. (Ed.) 60th Anniversary of the Malta Historical Society A Commemoration. Malta: The Malta Historical Society. 23-40.
Stöger J.J. (2009), Clubs and Lounges at Roman Ostia: The Spatial Organisation of a Boomtown Phenomenon (Space Syntax Applied to the Study of Second Century AD ‘Guild Buildings’ at a Roman Port Town). In: Koch D., Marcus L., Steen J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Space Syntax Symposium. Stockholm: KTH. 108.1-108.12.
Stöger, H and J. Bintliff (2009), Medieval and Post-Medieval Greece. The Corfu Papers. Oxford: Archaeopress.
Stöger J.J. (2008), Roman Ostia: Space Syntax and the Domestication of Space. In: Posluschny A., Lambers K., Herzog I. (Eds.) Layers of Perception, Proceedings of the 35th CAA, 2007. Bonn: Dr. Rudolf Habelt. 322-327.
Stöger J.J. (2007), Monumental Entrances of Roman Ostia: Architecture with Public Associations and Spatial Meaning, Babesch Bulletin Antieke Beschaving 82: 49-65.
Meer L.B. van der, Stevens N.L.C. & Stöger J.J. (2005), Domus Fulminata: The House of the Thunderbolt at Ostia (III, vii, 3-5), Babesch Bulletin Antieke Beschaving 80: 91-111.